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Microsoft Office 2010 Home and Business


Brand: Microsoft
Availability: In Stock
Media Type: Download – Instructions will be emailed to you

SKU: BW-1003028-1 Category: Product ID: 8908


Benefits for you:

The Office Home and Business 2010 suite contains the following applications and tools to help you out with your business and everyday tasks:

  • Microsoft Word 2010 Regardless of the type of text document you wish to create, Word 2010 is the perfect solution for your needs. Its immense variety of templates, 3-D effects, shadows, SmartArt graphics and other text formatting options, allows the user to not only produce good looking documents, but also give the reader a feeling of involvement and completeness. Whether it is business report or friendly newsletter you are writing, it has never been so easy to design documents before.
  • Microsoft Excel 2010 Excel 2010 is the ideal tool to track your personal expenses or create business budgets. It contains exciting new analysis tools such as Slicers and Sparklines which allow you to process and comprehend data more efficiently. Numerous different templates, colourful graphs and charts are just a few clicks away with this enhanced version of Excel.